In this week’s podcast, we’re honored to learn from Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli about their helpful new book entitled “Our Problem, Our Path: Collective AntiRacism for White People.” It’s a powerful resource to help us learn ways to talk about racism and build skills to be actively anti-racist.
Dr. Michael and Dr. Bartoli argue that inner and outer antiracist work are deeply interconnected. Their book provides readers with strategies to build racial competence and ways for us to make a more just, equitable and loving multiracial society.
You can get this episode on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher or YouTube. You can also download or listen to the full podcast episode here.
In this episode, they share:
• Why it’s difficult for us (white people) to talk about race
• Why we may feel it’s unsafe to discuss or challenge racism
• Emotional (and fear) response to racism around us
• Why we silence ourselves (or avoid conversations about race)
• The struggle to become anti-racist daily
• Ways race talks impacts our mental health
• How to ground yourself
• Addressing the stereotype threat
• Why racism is a white person problem
• Grieving with (and displaying empathy) for BIPOC communities
• The paradox of virtue signaling
• Race-related stress
• The anti-critical race theory movement
• How to stand up against racism (and avoid being a silent bystander)
• Advice on how to raise anti-racist children
You can watch the full conversation on walking the anti-racist path on YouTube here.
Eleonora Bartoli, Ph.D is a consultant and licensed psychologist, specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling. She earned her Ph.D. in Psychology: Human Development/Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago in 2001. After receiving her clinical license in 2005, she opened a small independent practice, which she has held since. After 15 years in academia (12 of those years as the director of a Masters in counseling program), she became a full-time consultant. Her mission is to share the tools of counseling and psychology in support of social justice work.
Ali Michael, Ph.D. is Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators and works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators. Ali is the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education, winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. As a member of a multiracial editorial team, she has co-edited The Guide for White Women who Teach Black Boys, Teaching Beautiful and Brilliant Black Girls, and Everyday White People Confront Racial and Social Injustice: 15 Stories. With her colleague Toni Graves Williamson, Ali adapted Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility for a Young Adult audience. Ali sits on the editorial board of the journal Whiteness and Education.