We’re honored to learn from Dr. Terri Daniel about her academic work on toxic theology as a contributing factor in complicated mourning and work as an interfaith chaplain.
You can get this episode on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or YouTube. You can also download or listen to the full podcast episode here.
Topics covered in this episode:
• The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief
• Toxic Theology as a Contributing Factor in Complicated Grief
• The Atheist Purity Test
• Dark Nights of the Soul & Questioning God
• Dealing with Trauma (and feeling that God is displeased with us)
• Interfaith chaplaincy and supporting hospice clients
• Practical Application of Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development in Counseling
• Evelyn Underhill’s 5 Stages of Mysticism & The Exodus Story
• Making Meaning from Loss
• When Trauma Leads to a Faith Deconstruction
• Counseling those who are deconstructing (and need help processing trauma)
• Why would a loving God ordain or allow traumatic events?
• Steps to becoming an interfaith chaplain
You can watch the full episode on YouTube here.
Summary of Conversation
Dr. Daniel discusses several topics related to death, grief, and belief, including toxic theology and its impact on complicated grief. She also talks about practical ways Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development can be used by counselors, therapists, and interfaith chaplains to assist individuals who may be grieving (and trying to make sense of their faith).
Dr. Daniel also provides insights into counseling individuals who are undergoing faith deconstruction due to trauma and need help processing their experiences. In addition, Dr. Daniel explores the concept of making meaning of loss, religious ideas that can cause distressing symptoms in complicated grief, and how interfaith chaplaincy supports hospice clients.
The podcast also touches on the issue of why a loving God would allow traumatic events to happen and provides practical advice on becoming an interfaith chaplain. This conversation is a valuable resource for hospice professionals, counselors, theologians, and individuals dealing with death, grief, and belief-related issues. She also talks with us about The Death, Grief and Belief Conference.
Dr. Terri Daniel is an academic scholar, interfaith hospice chaplain, end-of-life educator, and grief counselor certified in death, dying and bereavement. She is also an adjunct instructor in thanatology and chaplaincy at Marian University, the University of Maryland, and the Graduate Theological Union.
Dr. Daniel is also the founder of “The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief,” and the host of the Ask Doctor Death podcast. Her work has impacted countless individuals, including hospice professionals, counselors, and theologians worldwide. Terri has also authored four books on death, grief, and the afterlife.
Terri has a BA in Religious Studies from Marylhurst University, an MA in Pastoral Care from Fordham University, and a Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling from the San Francisco Theological Seminary.
• Toxic Theology as a Contributing Factor in Complicated Mourning
• Grief as a Mystical Journey: Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development and Their Relation to Post-Traumatic Growth
Learn more by checking Dr. Terri Daniel’s books, resources and conferences.